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Book of the Month: Schola Caritatis: Learning the Rhythms of God's Amazing Love

  Starting a new feature for the next several months called Book of the Month.  I will present one of my books and tell you a little of the ...

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

the secret stairs

They all were looking for a king
To slay their foes and lift them high;
Thou cam'st, a little baby thing
That made a woman cry.

O Son of God, to right my lot
Naught but Thy presence can avail;
Yet on the road Thy wheels are not,
Nor on the sea Thy sail!

My how or when Thou wilt not heed,
But come down Thine own secret stair,
That Thou mayst answer all my need,
Yea, every bygone prayer!
~That Holy Thing by George MacDonald

How do you usually expect God to come to you?  In power and glory, with a show of might and brilliance, or down the secret stairs?

If the Nativity taught us anything, it’s that Jesus, most likely, is not going to show up in quite the way we expect him to.  In fact, He is likely to come as he did that first Christmas Eve/Day, in lowliness, in hiddenness, and in humility.

And since he chose to come to us in that way, it is highly likely that he wants us to show up in the lives of others in that way as well.  Not in a blaze of glory with spotlights shining, but by using the secret stairs.  Thus, how we show up is almost as important as if we show up at all.

God is not looking for a big presence who will take the world by storm, he’s looking for those who are willing to slip in the backdoor unnoticed, those willing to enter by the secret stairs and show up lovingly, humbly, and consistently in the lives of those who are in desperate need of him.

I am forever grateful, O God, not only that you came, but also for how you came.  Help me to do the same.

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